Friday, February 28, 2020

Change Your Perspective.

About a year and a half ago I took an art quilt class with my local guild. One exercise was to create a picture with 3 of the same item in it.

I was using scraps of fusible fabric and I found a shape that looked like a tree and thought that was a great shape.  I cut out two more and fused it to the background fabric.  But when it came time to finish out the picture, I was stuck.  It was a great shape but I didn’t know what to do with it other than make them look like Christmas trees.  I didn’t want that.

So I took it to my small quilting group meeting and asked for advice.  They gave me the best advice ever: “Turn the picture 90 degrees” 

When I did that, my three tree shapes took on the look of three stylized fish.  I am now in love again with these three shapes. 

I did the same thing with a challenge block from 2017.  I love the heart icon and use it whenever I can.  So when I did a challenge block with the theme “Home is Where the Heart is”, I knew I had to use a heart.

But how do you make a home in the shape of a heart.   Well, you turn it upside down. 


Which is exactly what I did and what is more I made it into a traveling home as in an RV.

Sometimes when you need a different look or what you are working on doesn’t quite look the way you want it to, turn it another way; look at it from a different perspective. Even if you don’t complete the project in the different perspective position, just turning it might give you the inspiration you need to finish it or become inspired.  Not all trees need to remain as trees and not all hearts have to be right side up.

©2020  Cheryl Fillion

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