Friday, January 26, 2018

How Do I Choose

I like to be involved in a lot of things: classes, organizations, charities.  But there is only so much time in a day and I have to work and my doctor says I have to eat and sleep.  So this means I have to choose when and where to spend my time.  And it also means I can’t do everything.

Right now I have to make that decision.  I want to spend more time on my business and improve my skills at machine quilting on my home machine and get involved in some other art and community organizations.  But I can’t do it all.

So how do I choose?  It would mean letting go of some obligations I already have. but again, how do I choose.   I posted this question on my Facebook page and got some interesting suggestions.

One friend asked if what I was considering giving up was still nurturing me.  It is and it isn’t, I told her.  Another friend said that the change didn’t have to be permanent.  I could take a break and go back to it.  And if I did leave the obligation, this might let someone else serve in my place which might be something they need.  I hadn’t thought about this. A third friend suggested that if I was considering leaving an obligation that just might be my answer.  And while reading all these comments I heard in a television show the old saying “When one door closes, another one opens.”

I am still thinking about what to let go and what to add to my life.  I seem to flip flop on the decision every day.  At some time this may be something you need to decide.  If you are involved in an organization or a charity, does it still nurture you?  Is the motivation you had when you started still there?  Is it something you look forward to being involved or does it feel like something you have to do (in other words when you think of it does it make you smile or make you frown)? 

On the other side, what would the new organizations or activities bring to your life?  What new skills will you use or learn?  What people might you meet?  As one of my friends asked, will this nurture you in some way?

Share what decisions like this you might have made or are making.  And I will keep you up to date on my decision.

©2018 – Cheryl Fillion

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