Friday, May 22, 2020

Mini Yoyo Trees

I mentioned a couple of blogs ago that I have been busy making yoyos during the shelter in place orders in my county.  I will admit that this pandemic has got me distracted and I have had trouble concentrating on anything.  But believe it or not, making yoyos is relaxing to me and making tiny ones (finished size about the size of a nickel or even a dime) also helps me use up even the smallest of scraps.

Since I have a lot of green ones, I decided to make some yoyo tree ornaments to put in my etsy shop.  Yoyos are easy to make but if you have never made one, here is a tutorial on how to do just that (be careful, they can be addictive to make).

For this ornament you need 10 green yoyos and one brown one.  You want to arrange them in a triangle shape with one yoyo at the top and 4 at the bottom. You don’t have to use different fabrics for your green yoyos but I like the varied it gives.   I put them a little off center from one row to the next so they fit together better (this is a little different from my tutorial).

I also sew them first by rows and then sew the rows together. 

Once that is done that last part is the brown yoyo which is the trunk of the tree.  Sew that under the last row.

Now sew a thread hanger through the top yoyo and you have an ornament.  You don’t have to make the yoyos as small as I did but remember the bigger the yoyos, the bigger the ornament. So go find some green fabric and start yo-yoing.

©2020 Cheryl Fillion

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