Friday, February 17, 2017

What if I….

Have you ever been working on something and thought what if I changed the color or the arrangement or the technique or the place or or or. Did you follow your ‘What if I’?   I bet most discoveries or inventions were made as a result of someone saying what if I.  I find the most creative results and most interesting adventures when I follow what if I….    

About nine years ago I hear a request on the radio to join an American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event with that station’s on-air staff.  I thought ‘what if I called them?”  I ended up joining the relay team and have been relaying ever since.  I even get some of the college students I teach involved in the Relay for Life.

There is an organization here in Tyler, Texas called Art of Peace.  Every September they have a week of events that promote diversity, the arts, community involvement and, of course, peace.  One year they had an activity to do a mural on the town’s square.  I thought “what if I went?”  There I met the manager of a local Farmers Market and I have been involved with them ever since.  In fact that is where I have the Kid’s Craft event every month (Check my blog post “Kid’s Crafts at the Farmers Market”)

Another ‘ What if I’  led me to wonder what would happen if I made a picture with my mini yoyos and found a cross stitch pattern of a heart and by replacing a cross stitch with a yoyo came up with my heart doily.

 Red yoyo heart

                                                                        Red yoyo heart

A few years ago I learned to weave on a pot holder loom with yarn instead of the potholder loops.   I wondered what if I made a doll with this potholder shape.  I fumbled with the shape a bit, slept on the idea (I get great ideas as I drift off to sleep) and ended up with a little tube shaped doll.  Let me introduce you to Weavy.

In thinking about writing this post, I tried to come up with some time when I answered the “What if I..” call and the idea didn’t work out.  The only thing I could come up with was the one time I combined some gazpacho soup (which is a chilled soup) with the chili mac I was making.  Gazpacho has tomatoes, onions, and green peppers in it.  Not bad for chili (maybe not conventional but not bad).  But it also has cucumbers.  Yeah, cooked cucumbers; not my best idea.

So the next time “What if I…” comes to your mind while creating something, follow it and see where it leads (unless it leads to cucumbers in a chili then ignore it).  Right now I have some “What if I…”s in the works, I will let you know how they turn out.  Stay tuned.

©2017 Cheryl Fillion 

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