July has a lot of holidays.
Of course in the US, there is July 4th, Independence Day when
it was decided to separate from Britain and form our own nation. That is a big summer celebration with
picnics, parades and fireworks. But
there are a lot more reasons to celebrate in July, especially if a picnic on
July 4th isn’t enough.
There are all kinds of food “Days”. July 1st is Creative Ice Cream
Flavors Day and International Chicken Wing Day. July 3rd is Eat
Beans Day. Sidewalk Egg Frying Day is
also on July 4th (not sure I would want to eat that egg). Do you like apple turnovers? Well, have one on July 5th, that
is National Apple Turnover Day. July 6th
is National Fried Chicken Day. July 7th
is Chocolate Day, International Cherry Pit Spitting Day (got to eat the cherry
to get the pit) and National Strawberry Sundae Day. My favorite summer fruit – blueberries is
honored on July 8th.(and then Pick Blueberries Day is on the 10th
and National Blueberry Muffins Day is the 11th)
July 10th is National Sugar Cookie Day (and you
could revisit the Chocolate Day and Strawberry Sundae Day by having aother
sundae with a little chocolate syrup and a cookie). Just to make sure we get in another dessert,
Pecan Pie Day is July 12th. French
Fries are honored on July 13th (appropriate since French Bastille
Day is the 14th). We go back
to ice cream with National Ice Cream Day (different from July 1st
which is Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day, remember). Have some pudding on
Tapioca Pudding Day on the 15th.
And with all these sweets, eat some spinach on the 16th for
Fresh Spinach Day.
We do another flavor of ice cream on the 17th for
Peach Ice Cream Day. And to get a little
fancy, try some caviar on National Caviar Day on the 18th but I
wouldn’t combined it with the other food honored on that day, Hot Dogs. And with all this food you do need a drink
now and then, so for the adults try a Daiquiri on its day the 19th.
Cakes are also back on the 19th with National Raspberry Cake
Day. The 20th brings another
ice cream day with National Ice Cream Soda day.
Don’t want anymore ice cream but you do want something sweet? Switch the ice cream for a lollipop on the 20th
– it’s that sweet sucker’s national day.
And so we don’t forget a favorite ‘unofficial’ food group,
July 21st is National Junk Food Day.
Remember with chips, you can’t eat just one. July still hasn’t had enough of ice
cream. We have to honor the basic,
vanilla on July 23rd. You don’t have to live south of the border to get some
tequila on the 24th. That day
is National Tequila Day. The 28th
is a favorite of children of every age: National Milk Chocolate Day.
July 1st was International Chicken Wing Day. We also need to bring it home with National
Chicken Wing Day on July 29th.
If you want more of a meal, the 29th is also National Lasagna
Day. And we finish off the food month
with a sweetie on the 30th, National Cheesecake Day.
Now if you can’t find something to celebrate with food
during the month of July, you are just too picky of an eater. To the rest of us, I say “LET’S EAT!”
©2018 Cheryl Fillion
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