Friday, July 6, 2018

What To Do On Your Birthday

I love birthdays.  I enjoy wishing others a birthday.  I like sending gifts (particularly those I have made for the birthday person). I smile when I hear about birthday celebrations.  But I will admit my favorite birthday is my own.  

My birthday comes around a holiday where people take off to go on vacation – July 4th.  As a little kid (and sometimes as an adult) I have considered the celebration of our country as part of my birthday celebration. Who wouldn’t want fireworks for their birthday?

But my birthday at this time of year often means my friends are gone for the day.  A birthday alone can be a lonely thing but it doesn’t mean it is a sad or bad thing.   I began long ago to plan a celebration of my day just for me.  I would make sure I did things I enjoyed doing but maybe didn’t have time for it.  I would go out to a restaurant and eat a favorite meal.  One year I did a shopping treasure hunt.  I tried to buy something to represent everything I loved.  So I got a mystery, a little glass hummingbird, some needle work, fabric, an item to represent my favorite soft drink, you get the idea.  It was fun trying to find each item.  I don’t remember if I got it all but I do remember having fun doing so.

Last year I took the whole week of my birthday and did a creative retreat   I finished projects, made an Art Doll, did some quilting created a beach necklace.  It was the best little vacation at home I had had. I am planning something similar for this year.  And the best part for me is the planning of it.  In a round about way I get to celebrate my birthday before my birthday by making the plans.

It is important to celebrate and have fun on your birthday and what better way than to do something you enjoy.  If you are like a lot of people and don’t have a lot of time for the things you enjoy because of work or other obligations, to do that favorite thing on your birthday make it even more special.  It gives both the activity and the day a special meaning (like my favorite thing shopping treasure hunt).

So if you find yourself spending your birthday alone, make it special.  Do exactly what you want and make sure it is something you enjoy. Be spontaneous or plan it out (which ever you enjoy).  But celebrate it.  It is your day.   And even if it is just a cupcake, get yourself a cake.  To me it isn’t a birthday without cake. 

© 2018 Cheryl E. Fillion

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