Friday, July 27, 2018

Try a Coloring Book

Coloring books are popular now, especially those for adults.  You can find them everywhere.  I even see them in the magazine rack at my grocery store.  I have bought a couple, mostly for the images inside.  They give me ideas for embroidery and appliqué. But I had never colored in them.

Until about a week ago when I was feeling restless but didn’t want to sew or embroider.  So I pulled out a book and my colored pencils and started to color.

I immediately felt my body relax.  It was a calming sensation to move the pencil along the paper. It also brought back some wonderful memories of coloring as a child.  I really enjoyed coloring.

Looking back on the activity now, I also realized some other things.  When deciding what picture to color, I found myself attracted to the ones in the book having to do with teacups (the coloring book had a theme of houses and homes).  I found this interesting.  I don’t drink tea, don’t own any flowery teacups, and probably would never go to a tea party.  But I was wanting to color teacups.  (I settled on a picture that said Give Love and had all kinds of hearts surrounding the words.  As I have said before, what do you expect when one has a shop and a blog entitled Heartfully Cheryl).

I also noticed that I am attracted to landscapes particularly beach scenes.  I think these pictures are providing me with a little bit of an escape.  I can’t go to the beach so why not color one.

And while coloring  I was able to play with color.  I did one heart in one color scheme and then tried another heart in a totally different color.  I mixed together colors I never would have done on fabric or with thread.  But after doing it on paper, I might try playing with those colors combinations in my quilting and embroidery. 

It was a nice activity to do.  It was relaxing and playful and brought back memories I had forgotten.  If some people think that coloring for adults is childish, then let them.  I am going to do it again (maybe this time a teacup and maybe with crayons.) 

Want to try something new (or if you colored as a child, something old)?   Get a coloring book and some pencils and color.   You just might have some fun.

©2018 – Cheryl Fillion



Friday, July 20, 2018

Take your Houseplant for a Walk Day.

In looking for fun celebrations in July, I cam across this one: Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day.  When I saw it, I thought “Oh now that is crazy”.  But the more I read about it, the more I liked it.   

Take Your House Plant for a Walk Day is on July 27th and it is just that. You take one of your potted houseplants outside for a walk (if they are big, use a wagon).  It is suppose to get the plant adjusted to the environment, give it a little direct sunlight (or rain if it is not a sunny day), meet up with other plant owners and admire each other’s plants (and maybe get some plant tips).  It is suppose to be great for the plants.

It might also be good for you.  You have to go on that walk with your plant (not a good idea to send them on their own, they probably wouldn’t get very far) so you get some exercise and a little sunlight (Vitamin D) yourself.

Now if this is a bit too far out for you, then spend the day taking care of your plants.  Maybe set them outside for the day so they can get that sun or rain.  Or repot them if they need it.  Put your plant in a new location in the house for more sunlight.

If you don’t own a plant, well, this might be a good day to buy one.  Houseplants are great for the air quality of the house.  And they are good for the emotional quality of the humans living with the plants.  They are pretty to look at.  The green of the leaves is a very soothing color (healing color).  And it is nice to have something to care for (if for some reason you can’t have pets and live alone).

So bond with your plants on this day and go for a walk together.  Your plants will thank you.


©2018 Cheryl Fillion

Friday, July 13, 2018

Lessons from a Class

I recently took a needle felting class.  Yeah, I know how to needle felt.  I even teach it.  But I am a believer that you can always learn something new. And I did.

In this class we made a needle felted bunny using an armature.  An armature is a framework for a sculpture.  It is a wire base that you build the sculpture on. I had never done that before.

It was interesting to make because the armature looks nothing like the finished bunny. So it was hard for me to imagine what I was doing.  I did learn that my hands had a hard time manipulating the wire for the armature. And I learned that once you have the wire armature, you can then wrap it first in chenille sticks (pipe cleaners). The fuzzy covering of the chenille stick protects the felting needle from getting broken if it hits the armature.  If I do another one, I might start with the chenille sticks.  Those were easier for my hands to manipulate.

This bunny was much bigger than anything I have felted before.  I am used to 3-4 inch items; this guy is about 8 inches tall.  While I like to needle felt, that is a lot of felting to do in one sitting.  The class was supposed to be 3 hours long but it ran over that.  I had to stop before I was finished because my hands couldn’t do any more.  So when I do something this big again, I have to remember to plan to do it over days not hours.

I also learned to be prepared for anything.  The chairs we sat in were folding chairs with an open back.  Sitting in those chairs were not the best for my back.  So next time I take a class I might want to bring some over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofen to take.  It might be a good idea to take it before the class.

The chairs were also a little shorter for the table.  I am short to begin with so my arms were at an uncomfortable level while doing the felting.  I move the felted bunny to my lap which is not a safe place to be needle felting but it was easier on my arms.  Next time I take a class, I am bringing a pillow to sit on so it raises me up higher with the table.

And while the lighting was great in this room, if you are someone who has poor eyesight, you might want to bring a light to use.  Those that hang around your neck and are powered by batteries are great. 

I am glad I took the class.  I learned a new skill, will have a new bunny to display and met some great people. And sometimes that last reason is the best.  It is always good to meet new people.

©2018 Cheryl E. Fillion

Friday, July 6, 2018

What To Do On Your Birthday

I love birthdays.  I enjoy wishing others a birthday.  I like sending gifts (particularly those I have made for the birthday person). I smile when I hear about birthday celebrations.  But I will admit my favorite birthday is my own.  

My birthday comes around a holiday where people take off to go on vacation – July 4th.  As a little kid (and sometimes as an adult) I have considered the celebration of our country as part of my birthday celebration. Who wouldn’t want fireworks for their birthday?

But my birthday at this time of year often means my friends are gone for the day.  A birthday alone can be a lonely thing but it doesn’t mean it is a sad or bad thing.   I began long ago to plan a celebration of my day just for me.  I would make sure I did things I enjoyed doing but maybe didn’t have time for it.  I would go out to a restaurant and eat a favorite meal.  One year I did a shopping treasure hunt.  I tried to buy something to represent everything I loved.  So I got a mystery, a little glass hummingbird, some needle work, fabric, an item to represent my favorite soft drink, you get the idea.  It was fun trying to find each item.  I don’t remember if I got it all but I do remember having fun doing so.

Last year I took the whole week of my birthday and did a creative retreat   I finished projects, made an Art Doll, did some quilting created a beach necklace.  It was the best little vacation at home I had had. I am planning something similar for this year.  And the best part for me is the planning of it.  In a round about way I get to celebrate my birthday before my birthday by making the plans.

It is important to celebrate and have fun on your birthday and what better way than to do something you enjoy.  If you are like a lot of people and don’t have a lot of time for the things you enjoy because of work or other obligations, to do that favorite thing on your birthday make it even more special.  It gives both the activity and the day a special meaning (like my favorite thing shopping treasure hunt).

So if you find yourself spending your birthday alone, make it special.  Do exactly what you want and make sure it is something you enjoy. Be spontaneous or plan it out (which ever you enjoy).  But celebrate it.  It is your day.   And even if it is just a cupcake, get yourself a cake.  To me it isn’t a birthday without cake. 

© 2018 Cheryl E. Fillion