Friday, August 24, 2018

Positive Thinking Day

With all the negativity on the news these days, September 13 is definitely needed.  No, not as in Friday the 13th but as in Positive Thinking Day. This is a day set aside to think of positive things.

Now how do you celebrate Positive Thinking Day?  You can wake up thinking about all the good things that will happen that day like maybe what you are going to eat that day, who you are going to see, and how the weather will be (even if it is raining, the rain is a good thing for the grass and the flowers),

Every hour think of 3 things in which you are grateful.  Maybe it is the people in your life or your health or the job or school you attend.  How about being grateful for your 5 senses?  Or even grateful that it is Positive Thinking Day and it gives you an opportunity to practice positivity.

Give compliments to everyone you meet. Everyone likes a compliment.  Or maybe extend some random acts of kindness.  This could be as simple as letting some go ahead of you in the check out line to paying for the meal of the car in the drive thru behind you.

In the evening, turn off the news (and don’t read the paper).  Watch a funny show or read an inspirational book instead.  What is usually on the news is the entire negative events that has gone on in the world during the day.

And of course the best way to keep yourself positive and spread positive vibes is to smile.  It is amazing how smiling can change your mood.  And smiling is contagious.  Have you ever noticed when you smile at someone, they will smile back (unless of course they are a Scrooge).

So while one day might be set aside to be positive, why not spread it to the next day and then the next week and then every day after that.  Happy Positive Thinking Day.

©2018 – Cheryl Fillion

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