Friday, August 17, 2018

Support Your Local Library

Our Fiber Artist group recently moved our meetings to our Local library.  It made me realize that local libraries are not just for checking out books.  Now not all libraries are like the one in my town which offers many of the services I will mention below but I bet your library has some features you did not even realize.

There are, of course, the books.  Is there a book you want to read but don’t want to buy?  See if your library has it.  If you would prefer an electronic book, many libraries now offer those types of books for free.

Is there a book you want to read but your library doesn’t have it?  See if they offer interlibrary loan.  This is a service many libraries subscribe to where they can get from another library a book they might not have on their shelves.  I use it all the time when I want to buy a book but I want to look at it first and my local library or book store doesn’t have it.  You should know that some libraries won’t lend out their books to other libraries until after they are about 6 months old.  They want their patrons to have first use of the books. But it is a great way to read books

With video rental stores going out of business right and left, the library is a place to check out old or new DVDs.  Sometimes there is a small fee but usually the service is free.  So if you ever want a movie night but don’t want to go out to the theaters, check out you local library.  In the summer our local library has free movies for the kiddos.  Movies keep them entertained and cool at the same time.

Services for children are another perk of a library.  Just checking out books can be an adventure for a little one.  I have heard many people talk about going to the library as a child with their parents, grandparents or even on their own.   And many libraries offer special programs for the kids in the summer.  Our local zoo usually brings small animals to the library and talks about them with the kids.   In the summer there are often reading programs.  If you read so many books, you get a prize at the end of the summer. 

Our library offers classes for free.  We have quilting and crochet classes.  I taught needle felting at my library.  They even offer yoga and meditation classes.  Some libraries even are able to provide the supplies for the classes for free. 

Interested in genealogy or local history?  A lot of libraries have special rooms that provide a lot of the books and records needed for this.

Some libraries have speakers or displays that might be of interest.  Our Fiber Artist group just had a fiber show at our library.  It was great and it was free.  I have attended a lot of community talks and programs at the library.  And it is a place to have a local group meet.

I bet there are things your library offers that I haven’t even mentioned here.  So don’t think your library is just for books.  Go there and see what it has to offer to you.  Libraries are great place to visit and enjoy. 

©2018 Cheryl Fillion

1 comment:

  1. YES!! Thanks for helping spread the word.
