Friday, May 10, 2019

The Healing Power of No

The word no is probably the first word any child learns.  With that word they learn choice.  No, they don't want that toy. No, they don't want that spinach.  No, they don't want to go to bed.   The parent uses that word to keep the child safe.  No, you can't run into traffic.  No, you can’t play with matches.  No, you can't run with scissors.  As much as a person relished saying the word no as a child, they may find it difficult to say no as an adult.

When we say no, we run the risk of disappointing or hurting others.  They then in turn may reject us or be angry with us.  So to avoid hurting others and being rejected ourselves, we say yes - even to those things we don't want to do.  What actually happens is we give up our choices, and a little bit of our self-esteem diminishes. 

Being able to say no is a choice and actually saying no improves our health.  If we continue to say yes to habits that affect our health (saying yes to a smoke or a drink) or to roles that no longer fit us (a parent who continues to take care of adult children), it distracts us from our own life and from our creativity.   Saying no allows us to take a stand for what is important in our life

There will always be someone to whom saying no is considered an insult.  They will feel that in some way you have rejected them. You have in fact disappointed them. Remember that when doing what you need for yourself, it will require disappointing others.  But by saying no to them, you have shown them that in fact they also have the choice of yes and no and that they can follow their own path to a healthy life.

You can help yourself and others by making a list of what is important in your life, how you want to spend your time.  If you know where yes is needed in your life, it is easier to say no to others. 

Saying no is powerful.  It allows us a choice in our lives; we are able to take a stand for what we truly need.  And it keeps us safe, just as when we were children, from doing something that is harmful to our minds, bodies or spirits.

© 2019 – Cheryl Fillion


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