Friday, April 10, 2020

And Here Come the UFOs

No, we are not being invaded by extra-terrestrials, I mean the Un-Finished Objects.   You know those projects you started and for some reason never finished.  If you are like me, you are under some type of stay at home (or shelter at home) order.  You go out for groceries or medicine and that is about it. 

I bet all of you have projects you started but hadn’t finished for some reason.  Or you have projects you bought all the supplies for but never got around to starting.  Well now is the time to work on them. 

Now I am sure some of you are like me and are working from home.  Or maybe you are helping the kids with their school work.  And that is enough to keep you occupied.  But please don’t do it all day.  It is good to add a little variety in your life right now.  Staying at home can become a bit monotonous.

Get out those projects you put away for some reason and work on them.  It will help occupy your time, give you a little variety in your activities and will –hopefully – bring back memories of happier less stressful times (like when you first started the project or bought the supplies.  Just think you can remember back to when you were able to go to a fabric, craft or art store.  I am teasing here, we will be able to do that again when this pandemic runs it course.)

Until then work on some project that will make you happy.  Remember last week’s blog talked about gratitude and I mentioned how having positive thoughts and emotions can help boost your immune system so this will help keep you happy and healthy. It will also make the time go by faster.  If nothing else concentrating on a project will keep you from thinking about this virus.

Now I do want to say this:  If you are having trouble concentrating right now, that is understandable.  I am now just getting into my sewing again.  It has been hard to focus.  What I did was I tried to do one little thing at a time.  I have been planning to do another red heart yoyo mat for my etsy shop.  So the first thing I did was get out the red and white yoyos and laid them out in the design I wanted.  The next day I started sewing the yoyos together.  And then after that I completed a couple of rows and sewed them together.  Every day I did a little bit more.  And eventually I completed it.

Once you get in the habit of doing a little bit, I bet you will start to want to do more and more.  As so many of my friends keep saying, this is a crazy time we are in.  And we have to be patient with ourselves and others.   One way to do that is work on something you enjoy and maybe finish a project you started a while ago.  Who knows by doing this, you might have a gift for someone or maybe even an entry in the next quilt show or art exhibit.

Oh, and by the way, I finished my yoyo heart mat.


©2020  Cheryl Fillion



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