Friday, December 25, 2020

It’s a New Year

Here comes 2021!  Every year at this time we wonder what the new year will bring.  Last year at this time we had no idea how 2020 would turn out.  But now we can say that year is over and we can start anew.


I am hoping for this year that fewer people become sick and fewer people die.  In my little part of the world, I am hoping for some selfish things.  I hope I can attend our local quilt show.  I am hoping to spend more time with friends.  I am hoping that I can be more creative and not have my energy used up with thoughts and worry about our world.


As always I want to try new creative things and finish some of my UFOs (un-finished objects).  I want to read more books for pleasure. I want to try some new recipes and make more of my favorite ones.


I want to spend time with others – old and new friends.  And I want to make sure that everyone in my life knows that they are cared for.


I want to do all the things that were cancelled during 2020.  Go to quilt shows,. Attend quilt meetings.  Be able to go to the Nutcracker Ballet (this past December wasn’t the same without the sugar plum fairy).  Have a meal in a restaurant.  And have friends over to my house.


So come on 2021, bring us good times and fun and laughter. 


©2020  Cheryl Fillion



Friday, December 18, 2020

Happy Holidays

I wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays.  There are a lot of celebrations at this time of year and whatever you honor, I hope your holiday is wonderful.


This year has been challenging for everyone but I hope you are able to spend the end of this year with those you love, enjoying great food, wonderful decorations and lots of love and laughter.


So  may the last week of 2020 be merry and bright.


©2020 Cheryl Fillion

Friday, December 11, 2020

A Simple Cheap Gift for Yourself

Every year I ask myself what I want for the holidays.  Suggestions for what others can give me and ideas for a gift I can give myself.  It sound strange to give a gift to yourself but it is very practical.  You can get exactly what you want so there is no disappointment and it brings a special memory to that item.  One year I bought myself a weather radio for when the power goes out during a storm.  I got just the one I wanted and when I look at it or use it, I think of that Christmas.


Where I work and live, I tend to have about a month off during the holidays.  I usually don’t travel nor have many visitors.  So one year I had a Christmas of UFOs (unfinished objects.


I picked out the projects I really wanted to complete, put them in gift bags and put them under the tree.  As my holiday break went on I would take out a project and worked on it. 

If I worked on it before Christmas Day and finished it, I would put it back in the bag and put it back under the tree.  This way I had a new blouse or quilt or pillow for Christmas.  And if there were still UFOs under the tree at Christmas, I then had a fun project to work on while I listened to music or watched TV.  That holiday I think I finished about 20 projects during that month.


And when you think about it, putting projects in a bag to complete is actually a cheap gift because you have already bought everything.  And if you haven’t, here is your chance to do a little Christmas shopping.


I decided to do that again this year.  With no travel being planned or visits with friends, I need to make sure I have some fun.  I have two pairs of pants cut out and ready to sew.  I have a wall hanging I want to get quilted.  I have a quilt top from a class I took this past February to complete.  Under my tree is going to look very full with projects to do and some completed projects to enjoy.


If you have some UFOs and aren’t going somewhere or having any visitors, why not give yourself the holiday of completion.  You will feel very satisfied and will now have time to start new projects for the New Year. Happy UFO-ing.


©2020 Cheryl Fillion

Friday, December 4, 2020

Celebrate Christmas All Month Long

This has been a crazy year.  With all that has gone on, you might think there is nothing much to celebrate but I think you would be wrong.  This is exactly the time to celebrate and have some fun.  A couple of years ago I posted this blog about December celebrations and I think this is what we need to do again.


December 6th is St. Nicholas Day.  In some parts of Europe and even here in the States, this is the day when St Nicholas (Santa Claus) comes for an early visit.  There actually was a St. Nicholas who was an Archbishop in Turkey back in the 5th century.  He became the patron saint of boys and December 6th is his birthday and on this day he is known for bringing little gifts for the good children, and sticks for the bad. 


If you are Christmas Card sender, December 9th is Christmas Card Day.  If you haven’t gotten your cards yet, this might be a good day.  Or maybe this is the day to make cards.  Wouldn’t Grandma prefer a hand made card from the little ones than a store bought one?


Poinsettias, considered the flower of Christmas, have their own day on December 12th.  So make sure you get out to your favorite garden store to pick out your festive plant.  December 14th is Roast Chestnuts Day.  If you are not much of a chestnut person, how about picking up those other nuts you might eat.  A favorite part of Christmas growing up was going to the local grocers to get our bag of mixed nuts (only available this time of year).  They would have bins of unshelled nuts.  My favorite then and now were the walnuts.


And what is Christmas without the cookies.  Well, December 18th is set aside just to get those holiday sweets completed for Santa’s visit with Bake Cookies Day.  And so you don’t forget that tree, Look for an Evergreen Day is December 19th.  And while you are getting ready, why not take a break on December 20th and celebrate Go Caroling Day.


If by now in the month you are bogged down with shopping and decorating and feeling a bit overwhelmed, there is a day for you to go ahead and just feel a little like Scrooge.  December 21st is Humbug Day.  Just don’t let it last more than a day.


And finally on December 24th, hopefully all the preparations are done and you can sit back and enjoy a little eggnog for it is not just Christmas Eve but also National Egg Nog Day.


If you are one who likes to have Christmas last as long as you can, go ahead and celebrate it all month long.  And Merry Christmas to you.


©2018, 2020 Cheryl Fillion