Friday, September 24, 2021

Time Together

At our quilt show, we have what we call the Country Store.  Our members donate books, patterns, fabric, anything sewing or craft related for the guild to sell. It is a big money maker for our group and anything left over is donated to various charities like Goodwill.  Since we have not had a quilt show in 2 years due to the pandemic, we decided to just have the Country Store sale to help with our budget.

 We sold a lot (and I will admit the guild now has some of my money) but the best part for me was just getting to visit.  You know at the Quilt Guild meetings everyone is busy with the jobs they have and there isn’t much time to just visit with each other.  But this weekend we could.  I learned about grandkids, and vacations, health status and what everyone was working on.  Looking at the books and fabric with some members, I learned what they liked and didn’t like.  

Some of us who have been in the guild for a while entertained newer members with stories about past members (some who have gone to the great quilting guild in the sky) and programs that the guild had that were so wonderful and some that definitely were not.   I guarantee you there was lots of laughter during the weekend. 

I wasn’t assigned any particular job.  I am one of those volunteers who will just show up and say “Put me to work”.  I could have gone home at any time but I stayed.  For me it was just as important to be with the people there as to do the work needed.  And after these past months of very little contact with others, it was definitely what my soul needed.

This is what we need to make more room for: just time together with others.  Especially if you are like me and live alone.  I made some new friends with the members I didn’t know very well and definitely strengthen the friendships I already had.

So if you belong to a group make sure you plan events that will just allow you to visit.  Do a luncheon or a pot luck or have a work day.  I love getting together with the guild members for an afternoon of sewing on our own projects.   Not only is it important to strengthen the fellowship of the group, but you learn what skills people have or are interested in learning.  This is great for program ideas and for possibly a committee or leadership role in the group. And I don’t know a group who doesn’t need more ideas and leaders.

©2021  Cheryl Fillion

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