Friday, February 3, 2023

Festival of Broken Needles

 There is a Buddhist festival that takes place in Japan on February 8 called the Needle Festival or the Festival of Broken Needles (Harikuyo).  There is an old Buddhist belief that even inanimate objects have a soul and to discard an object that has been used for so long is disrespectful.  So throughout the year broken pins and needles are saved and on February 8th they are taken to a temple to be blessed before they are properly ‘rested’. It is thought that if you blessed the needles, the energy of the needle will make the owner a better stitcher.


I like this idea.  Have you ever thought of the work our pins and needles do for us?  Yes we are the one who guides them into the fabric but they are the ones who actually do the stitching.  And when you have trouble threading a needle – do you blame the needle, the thread, or the Stitcher?  Yeah, I thought so; you blame the needle.


So on this day of the Needle Festival, take a look at your needles and pins.  Do they need to be cleaned?  Do you have a nice pin cushion to store the needles you use?  Maybe one with wool or sand which will help clean and keep sharp the needles. Maybe today is the day to buy a gift for your needles and pins.  And maybe refrain from stitching for the day and give them a day of rest.


Happy Needle Festival.

©2018, 2023- Cheryl E. Fillion




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