Friday, October 20, 2017

Doing While Waiting

My mom was one of those mothers who would bring toys for us when we went somewhere to visit.  She wanted us to be entertained (and out of trouble) and she knew we would be bored just sitting there waiting for the adults to stop talking.  I continue to do that.  I always have a book or a magazine with me.  And sometimes I have my needlework. 

I take things to do when I travel.  You can get a lot done in those hours between destinations. I often do needlework during the business part of a quilt guild meeting. I can stitch and listen to all of the announcements at the same time. I won’t miss an announcement or miss a stitch. I usually have a book while waiting in a doctor’s waiting room.  But recently to a doctor’s office, I brought some needle work.

It’s always interesting to see people’s reaction.  Sometimes there are questions:  “What are you doing?”, “What will it be when it is done?”(This time I was buttonhole appliquéing a picture).  Occasionally you hear stories of what they used to do or remembering what their mother or grandmother does or did.  I’d like to think my activity is bringing up fond memories for them.

Some people will watch me while trying not to be noticed that they are watching me. Those people make me smile.  I always want to say, “Go ahead and look, I don’t mind” but I am afraid I will embarrass them if I let them know I see them.

Often I get the statement “I just don’t have the patience for that.” And that is OK, not everyone does.  Although I do laugh when I think of the times when things aren’t going great and I lose my temper with something I am attempting.  I am not sure I sometimes have the patience myself.

I am glad I brought my appliqué this time as it was a long wait in the examining room and it kept me calm while I waited. I often hear from others “You always have to be doing something.  Can’t you just sit?”  Yes, I can.  But for me it is a lot more fun to do needle work (or read a book) while I sit, especially while I am in a Doctor’s office.  

For me needlework calms me down (lowers my blood pressure) and doctor’s offices do the opposite, so why not do a little calming hand work.  Hopefully when they take my blood pressure, it will be lowered because I have done some stitching.   And it makes the time go by faster.  I am one who wants the time to go by when I am just waiting.

So take something with you the next time you have to wait It doesn’t have to be needlework.  It could be your sketch book, or your poetry book or a book or magazine that will spark some new ideas.  Don’t leave your creativity at home while you are on a plane or bus or doctors office.  Bring it along. It just might like to wait with you.

©2017  Cheryl Fillion

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