Friday, November 9, 2018

Be Grateful For…

November is when here in the States we celebrate Thanksgiving.  It is a day developed to be thankful for the harvest and the good growing season.  It has become a day of wonderful food, family and friends, parades and football.  November also has become a month where people put on their social media the items in their life they are grateful for.

I have mentioned before in this blog that I teach at a local college.  For many years I gave an assignment called the Gratitude Inventory (I still use it occasionally when someone needs some extra credit).  The assignment was to “Make a list of 20 things for which you are grateful.  Think about your family, friends, and talents as topics of gratitude.  Look at your life.  Respond to something in the news or the course content that you are grateful happened or didn’t happen to you.  Gratitude does not have to be something dramatic and life changing.  You might just be grateful that it is Friday.”

It was a great assignment and often the students would comment that they would continue   doing Gratitude Inventories because it reminded them of the good they had in their lives.  What would you put on the list if you had this assignment?

I decided today to give me this assignment.  So here is my Gratitude Inventory:

1- My health
2- My brothers
3- My parents
4- My home
5- A heater when it is cold
6- Air Conditioning when it is hot
7- My friends
8- My fish
9- My fingers
10- My eyesight
11- My hearing
12- My tastebuds
13- My job
14- Clean water
15- My embroidery ability
16- My needle felting
17- My spool knitting
18- My Etsy shop Heartfully Cheryl
19- My blog Heartfully Cheryl
20- That it is Friday.

© 2018 Cheryl Fillion


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