Friday, December 28, 2018

It’s Resolutions Time

Well it’s the end of another year.  Where did it go?  I feel like it just started.  Now is the time we traditionally make resolutions for the next year. Usually our resolutions are to stop doing something like smoking or over eating but sometimes a resolution is a goal, a plan to do something.

I like making the second type of resolutions.    I like setting goals, making plans.  Sometimes my plan making is more fun than the actual event itself.  And again this year my resolutions are goals.

I want more music in my life.  Not in the way of learning an instrument – although you never know – but just in listening to more music and watching less news.  The last couple of days with Christmas music and holiday movies pushed the news off my TV and radio.  I have noticed a difference, a more upbeat difference in my mood.  

I definitely want to do more of the needlework my life is filled up with already.  I always tell people if I could figure out how to do my needlework while lecturing my classes, it would be perfect.  (The big problem is not me.  I can multi-task.  I just have a feeling my students would be watching what I am doing and not taking notes.  Not good for their grades.).

I definitely want to take more needle work classes.  Not sure in what yet.  I didn’t know at the beginning of this year that an art quilt class would be a high-light of the year so who knows what this upcoming year will bring. 

And speaking of art quilts, I want to do more of those.  The class I took included using paint on fabric.  At first I thought, no not for me but then the idea started to grow on me.  So one gift idea I gave to my brother was paint and sponge brushes; which were both under my tree.  I can’t let his gift go to waste so I will be playing with paint and fabric this year. (I’ll let you know how it goes.)

I want to read more just for pleasure.  You would be surprised at the ideas you can get from reading a novel or a mystery (my favorite type of books).  And read more biographies; there are so many people in the world to inspire us by their example.

So those are my resolutions for 2019.  What are yours going to be?  I hope they include needle work, creativity, and most of all, fun.  Happy New Year!!!!!

© 2018  Cheryl Fillion

Friday, December 21, 2018

Holiday Greetings

I am writing this the week before Christmas.  If you are like me, you are busy with holiday preparations.

I like this time of year with the decorations, the lights, the wishing each other (including strangers) a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holiday.  Everyone seems friendlier and homes and streets are dressed up and cheery.  We need more of that in the world these days.

I just wanted to take time to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  I hope your holiday includes a lot of creativity in gifts or decorating, that you try something new maybe a recipe or a different way to dress up your tree, and you take time to care for yourself in all the holiday busyness (I bought myself some new embroidery threads for a little stitching during this holiday break).

So once again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Friday, December 14, 2018


I learned something about myself recently; I spend too much time at my computer.

Now it is true a lot of my work involves a computer. I have college classes where much of the grading is done on a computer, my online Etsy business and of course, this blog. But there are times when I am just surfing the net or looking up things in my personal files or playing solitaire and I spend more time on doing those things than I need.

My computer needed some repair work done so I was without it for a couple of days.  Since I don’t have a laptop, tablet or smart phone, I was basically unplugged.

I usually check my emails first thing in the morning.  In fact I often eat my breakfast with my email. But with my computer gone, I enjoyed what I was eating more.  I could concentrate on the taste of the food rather than just putting the fork or spoon in my mouth. I found there were times I would think “I need to look such and such up” and would go to my computer only then to remember it wasn’t there.  I apparently look up things a lot and knowing me I would have stayed on the computer after looking up what ever that such and such was, probably looking more things up.

I finished a lot of things while off the computer.  Got more reading done.  Actually wrote the first version of this blog in long hand (and that is a first for this blog).  Since I didn’t have my computer, I didn’t need to sit at my desk and my back thanked me for that.

Now this doesn’t mean I am going to give up my computer totally as I mentioned above I need it for much of my work (and in full disclosure I didn’t give up the computer entirely.  I did go to the library to use their computers once a day so I could check on my students and customers.)

But I can make a conscious effort to walk away from the computer when emails are read and assignments graded.  If I need to look something up or check out Facebook, do it maybe in the evening when I’m watching TV and even then limit my time.  I can get a lot more non-electronic work done if I just unplug myself more.

Do you find yourself at the computer or on your smart phone more than you need?  What could you accomplish if you put down the electronics?  Think about it.  You don’t have to give it up entirely (and shouldn’t if it involves your business) but maybe a little less of it wouldn’t hurt.  I am going to add less computer time to my New Year’s Resolutions.  Well, I will as soon as I create a page in my personal file for resolutions.

©2018  Cheryl E. Fillion

Friday, December 7, 2018

The Legend Of A Christmas Spider

This is one of my favorite Christmas legends and I decided to post the story again.  Did you know that in the Ukraine it is not unusual for a family to do a thorough cleaning of their house for the Christ child's visit?  But if you come across a spider web do not destroy it. 

There is a legend that many years ago a woman was cleaning her house for Christmas and banished even the spiders away.  After everyone was in bed, the spiders came back to see the decorated tree and as they wandered along the branches they spun a web.

When the Christ child came to this house he saw the web and loved it, for he loved even the lowest creature.  He knew the woman of the house wouldn’t like it and so upon touching the web it turned to silver and gold.  So in the Ukraine, you are likely to see a spider among the decorations of a tree.

I enjoy that legend so much I make fabric yoyo spiders for my tree.  They are quick and easy ornaments to make.

You need a little fabric; the amount depends on how big you want the finished yoyo to be.  Remember from my yoyo tutorial, the fabric you cut must be 2 time +1/2” bigger than the finished yoyo.   So cut your fabric to the size you need and sew it up.

unsewn fabric

yoyo made


Once it is sewn, you now have the body of the spider.   The yoyo hole will be the front of the spider (it makes it look a bit like a mouth).

Flat side of yoyo

yarn legs added


Turn the yoyo to the flat side; this is where you will glue the legs.  You can use pipe cleaners or yarn to be the leg.  Make them however long you want them to be. I cut them in one length and sew them across the back to each end is sticking out the side of the yoyo. You will need 4 pieces so the spider will have 8 legs.

Eyes added

Turn the yoyo around so the hole is facing up and glue two tiny beads, buttons or googly eyes above the hole for the eyes

Hanging loop added

Add a string loop at the top and you now have a Christmas yoyo spider.

© 2016, 2018  Cheryl Fillion