Friday, December 28, 2018

It’s Resolutions Time

Well it’s the end of another year.  Where did it go?  I feel like it just started.  Now is the time we traditionally make resolutions for the next year. Usually our resolutions are to stop doing something like smoking or over eating but sometimes a resolution is a goal, a plan to do something.

I like making the second type of resolutions.    I like setting goals, making plans.  Sometimes my plan making is more fun than the actual event itself.  And again this year my resolutions are goals.

I want more music in my life.  Not in the way of learning an instrument – although you never know – but just in listening to more music and watching less news.  The last couple of days with Christmas music and holiday movies pushed the news off my TV and radio.  I have noticed a difference, a more upbeat difference in my mood.  

I definitely want to do more of the needlework my life is filled up with already.  I always tell people if I could figure out how to do my needlework while lecturing my classes, it would be perfect.  (The big problem is not me.  I can multi-task.  I just have a feeling my students would be watching what I am doing and not taking notes.  Not good for their grades.).

I definitely want to take more needle work classes.  Not sure in what yet.  I didn’t know at the beginning of this year that an art quilt class would be a high-light of the year so who knows what this upcoming year will bring. 

And speaking of art quilts, I want to do more of those.  The class I took included using paint on fabric.  At first I thought, no not for me but then the idea started to grow on me.  So one gift idea I gave to my brother was paint and sponge brushes; which were both under my tree.  I can’t let his gift go to waste so I will be playing with paint and fabric this year. (I’ll let you know how it goes.)

I want to read more just for pleasure.  You would be surprised at the ideas you can get from reading a novel or a mystery (my favorite type of books).  And read more biographies; there are so many people in the world to inspire us by their example.

So those are my resolutions for 2019.  What are yours going to be?  I hope they include needle work, creativity, and most of all, fun.  Happy New Year!!!!!

© 2018  Cheryl Fillion

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