Friday, August 16, 2019

Prayer Flags

I like the idea of Prayer flags or Peace flags, as they are sometimes called.  In Tibet, small squares of fabric with different symbols and words are hung on a long line of rope.  The idea is that the message of the flag is then carried by the wind to the rest of the world. The positive message could be for yourself, your family, community or the world.  It is a simple way to send out good wishes and thoughts

Now you don’t have to go to Tibet to hang your prayer flag (although that would be a great trip).  You can make it and hang it outside your home, give it to someone or even hang it inside your home from a curtain rod, for example.

I have made a couple of flags myself.  I did one when I was hearing a lot of criticism of my work but also just general negativity.  I did the design and wording free hand which was something new for me and did it with pigma ink pens.  I created a fringe at the bottom with some hearts drawn on each piece of fringe and added some purple yarn at the side as a simple tassel (the orange yarn was to hang it on the inside of my front door).

Then when the bombing occurred in Paris in November of 2015 and then a second one in Brussels in March of 2016, I made simple flags with a spool knitted peace sign for each of those events.  I tried to imitate their national flag as the base. I didn’t know what else to do. Prayer flags don’t have to be painted or drawn, you can also appliqué fabric or spoolknitting (or couched yarn ) on them.

The first step is to decide what you want to say in your prayer.  Is it for you or a loved one?  Maybe healing from a disease or a break up.  Or is it for your community or the world.  Are you praying for peace or unity?   What symbol would work for what you want to say in your prayer?  I used a butterfly in my Speak Kind flag and a peace sign in my two little  country flags.

Now a prayer flag can be any size you want.  The two flags for Paris and Brussels were about 6 by 7 inches.  The Speak Kind flag was closer to 9 inches.  What ever size you make it make sure it is big enough to show your prayer and has enough fabric at the top or side to be able to hang it.  In other words, account for the hanging sleeve.

Your flag can be any color you wish it to be.  Do you have a favorite color or does the recipient of the flag?  Remember if you are using markers or colored pencil, it needs to be a lighter color so the design can be seen.   Once the design is decided, now create your flag.  It helps if you meditate or pray your message while making the flag. 

Once it is created, hang your flag.  Put it somewhere outside (or inside, if you prefer) where the wind will catch it and start spreading the message around the world.  If you give it to someone, send a little note explaining the flag and what prayer flags are supposed to do.  You might also want to include a way to hang it like a small rod or string or yarn through the sleeve of the flag so it is easier for the recipient to hang it.

This is something you can do on your own or even get children involved if it is a prayer that they would understand.  If you are making a prayer for a friend who is ill, gather other friends and each create a flag.  Think of how loved that recipient friend will feel when she or he sees a whole string of flags wishing him or her well.  And think of how much better you will feel having sent your love and prayers in a creative way such as a prayer flag.

©2019  Cheryl Fillion




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