Friday, November 15, 2019

Quick Can Be Cute

I recently went to the Houston International Quilt show.  Our local Quilt Guild rents a bus and about 40 of us on a day adventure. This year our trip was on Halloween.

I like wearing holiday pins.  I have lots for Christmas  pins, a patchwork bunny for Easter, some flag related pins for patriotic holidays and in the summer I have a snowman pin that reads “Think Snow” to help with those 90 degree days.  I even have a Jack O’Lantern pin my mother gave me for Halloween.  I wanted to wear something Halloween related for the bus trip but I was afraid to wear that pin for fear I would lose it.

So the day before our tip, I decided to make a pumpkin pin. My thought was if I lost it I could always make another.  I didn’t have time to do any embroidery so I decided to use my fabric pens.

I quickly drew a free hand pumpkin on some muslin.  The pumpkin turned out to be pretty cute but the pin did not.  I was trying to cover a small slogan button pins that you find around election time.  I cut the fabric too small and it didn’t cover the pin very well. 

Ah but a new product is out that I love to use for necklaces.  It is these tiny embroidery hoops made to display embroidery pieces.  My pumpkin was perfect for it.

But now the chain to wear it as a necklace? I didn’t have a chain or rayon cording to use. What could I use?  I didn’t have time to go to a craft store.  I thought about yarn.  But then remembered a friend gave me some rickrack she no longer needed.  Rickrack, really?   And with luck there was brown rickrack which went great with the stained edges of the mini hoop. I but it with the hoop and it looked perfect.  Not how you would normally use rickrack but it worked.

So in a  ½ hour and trying some ideas I needed to do quickly, I have a finished necklace that I could wear on the trip to Houston and also every day since then.   With it just as a pumpkin, it worked for Halloween and for autumn or Thanksgiving (one holiday I did not have any jewelry for but do now).

Sometimes doing something on the spur of the moment and making it up as you go along works out just as well as a well planned idea.  Give it a try.  Quick can be cute.  


©2019 Cheryl Fillion

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